Mini-interview department environment

At Siplan we take the environment very seriously, we understand the responsibilities derived from our activity and we work every day to contribute to protect environment and the management of resources and waste.

We want to make known some aspects of our environment department, so we have asked three relevant questions to the person in charge of it, José Joya:

  • What measures will you implement soon in relation to environmental protection?
  • All the luminaries of the factory have been replaced by low-energy ones, with the dual objective of reducing electricity consumption and working with a more efficient technology.
  • How are waste and other environmental aspects managed in the factory?
  • The waste generated in the factory, both hazardous and non-hazardous, is periodically managed through external companies authorized for their removal and subsequent treatment. Regarding the rest of the environmental aspects, periodic monitoring is carried out in order to control and act on those that are significant, after carrying out the pertinent analyzes.
  • The theme of World Environment Day in 2018 is A Planet # Without Contamination by Plastics ?, What measures can be taken regarding the generation of plastics?
  • We are optimizing our production process to reduce, as far as possible, the material used in the packaging of our product without affecting the reception of this by our client. In the same way, we are talking with our most habitual suppliers to try to take measures similar to ours. We also believe that the awareness and training of all personnel is essential to achieve improvements in this field.

Siplan Team